Thursday, January 26, 2017

A Day in the Life of a Pug

Pugs are the perfect house dogs. A pug doesn’t care where you live; a one-bedroom apartment, a four-bedroom house, a farm house with a lot of land, they will fit in anywhere. However, Pugs are sensitive to extreme weather. Their ideal temperature is not too hot and not too cold, but with proper care a pug can adapt anywhere with anyone. Pugs get along with other dogs, children, elderly, etc.

They don’t require too much exercise, even though they LOVE going on walks (or W-A-L-K’S as we have to call them in our house). Moderate exercise is important to keep them at their ideal weight of 14-18 pounds.
Jax, and his Chi-Pom Sister Minnie on a walk this week

In my experience pugs are pretty easy to take care of.  A Day in the life of a Pug (in this case my pug son, Jaxun) is actually pretty simple:

Sleep; this takes up a large part of a pugs day. They are heavy sleepers, and known for snoring. If they aren’t being entertained (or begging for food) you can usually find them sleeping or just laying around.
Pug Cuddles
Laying in his sisters bed

Eat; Pugs love to ask for their parent’s human food (with the begging face pictured below), but our pugs love the food that they eat too. I think pugs are bottomless pits, I’m not sure if they are ever full. If I let him my pug would continuously eat. It’s important to make sure your pug is not eating too much.   
Jax and his begging face

Play; for their size, pugs play like a big dog. Our pugs love playing tug a war, sprinting around the yard, chasing their toy, and playing with their siblings. But, they can play rough if you let them.
Jax playing with his toy 

Stalk their owner; everywhere I go Jax is right behind me, and sometimes will even lead me to where I’m going. Pugs are extremely loyal. They will follow you around the house wherever you go. (Truthfully, they would love to go wherever you go)
Jax on the boat this past summer

If you’re a pug parent, you know that even though you have to watch your step so your pug doesn’t trip you, there is truly no love quite like #puglove. 
My boy, Jaxun

Enjoy this cute video of pug puppies doing what they do best, being themselves:


  1. I have to say I am so excited that I get to read about pugs. I also follow Doug the Pug on Instagram and just think he and his owner are amazing. My fiance and myself are currently looking at purchasing a dog as well its between a Frenchie, Pug, or a fluf puff like she calls them. Look forward to following your blog this semester thanks for the cute photos

    1. I love Doug the Pug :) I have always wanted a pug since I was little. About 5 years ago we got our first pug which became the mama bear of our grumble! We have been in love with all of them sense! I highly recommend getting a pug, you won't be disappointed. Thank you!

  2. It's funny that you mention you can't say "walk" but have to spell it out. Same thing here, can't say the word or a frenzy ensues. Great post and I loved the video! So cute! :)

    1. Once the word walk is said the dogs start running around in excitement! So, we created a rule: If you say walk and the dogs hear you and get excited, you have to take them. (unless the weather does not cooperate) They get too excited to let them down which is why we spell it if we don't plan to go for a walk that day! Thank you!

  3. I am not a dog owner, but it does not mean I do not love them. The love that you have for your pug, I feel for my precious kitties!! Your post just touched my heart in so many ways. I love that you described the breed as constantly sleeping, eating, playing and stalking their owner :) It is obvious that your precious pug would be lost without you by his side. Cherish the love that he gives you! <3

    1. Animals are just the best! They love us unconditionally. He sure would, but I would be lost without him too! I cherish every day with my pugs!

  4. Great video! The puppies are so adorable. What is it about baby animals that makes us go all silly? I can see why you are partial to pugs!
